Push rod for 500 single

Someone out there has the exact part you need. Just post your requirement here, along with contact information. Please be aware that there are many scammers out there lurking to rip off an innocent member. Avoid payment by money order or telegram. Insist on a phone conversation to confirm you are dealing with a 'real' person. Using Paypal for payments provides some protection against bogus sellers.
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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:22 pm
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Push rod for 500 single

Post by joe1028 » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:37 am

Looking for 1 push rod 11 7/16 " steel tube for 1950 iron head 500 single. Even a damaged tube assembly with a ball end or just the ball end will work...mine is damaged and it is the last part I need to finish engine (I hope)...I would appreciate help .
Thanks, Joe

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:22 pm
Location: Pittsburgh

Re: Push rod for 500 single

Post by joe1028 » Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:05 pm

Update ;
Push rod located last week.....
Several Ariel UK. Members offered up one to me.
Best thing is one Gentleman offered it No Charge..NICE!
FYI; UK club may be helpful for others as spares, web information and forum help is excellent..
Have a good one,Joe

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