1938 Square 4 parts

Someone out there has the exact part you need. Just post your requirement here, along with contact information. Please be aware that there are many scammers out there lurking to rip off an innocent member. Avoid payment by money order or telegram. Insist on a phone conversation to confirm you are dealing with a 'real' person. Using Paypal for payments provides some protection against bogus sellers.
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1938 Square 4 parts

Post by Ron.baxter » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:46 pm

I recently acquired a basket case 1938 Square 4 and need a bunch of parts. Mostly motor parts thing like rockers, tappet guide blocks, cam gear, etc. I also need MN1E magneto parts, the dyno and dyno gear. Fork parts, the list goes on and on. Thought I would see if anyone has parts that would work.

Thanks in advance!


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